
Apparently Brad has been a busy boy the past week! He organized a surprise birthday party and baby shower for me, all without me ever knowing a thing. I was actually filling nail holes and touching up the paint in our master bedroom when suddenly I heard Aiden talking to Stella in the other room. When I came into my living room, I had a house full of friends!

Our life group from church, plus a couple of other church friends, my parents, Brad's Aunt Cathy and Mamaw and Papaw all had gathered to surprise me with a birthday cake and a few gifts for Ms. Aubrey. I couldn't have thought of a better way to spend my birthday than surrounded by my big extended family of friends and relatives.

Apparently, Brad and my friends had been telling me little white lies all week (hmmm, they are all too good at that) to pull it all off. Brad had even driven to Fort Worth to get me my favorite black forest cake from the Swiss Pastry Shop, which was a hit with everyone. Yummy! We enjoyed some cake and coffee and conversation, then I opened my gifts. All I can say is that Aubrey is going to be one well-dressed young lady! And our life group had pitched in to get me the much-needed electric breast pump I had registered for. I'm sure the guys in the group were less-than-thrilled about giving me that one, but it was definitely needed and appreciated!

I count myself very fortunate to have such a great group of friends and family. I know in the coming months, as I'm jumping into life with a new baby and a 4 year old, I'm going to really need a lot of support--people that can help me keep my sense of humor and sanity in the wake of sleepless nights and endless dirty diapers. I feel so blessed knowing that I have all of these great friends and family members that will see me through. Thanks, everyone!

Opening my gifts

Aiden and his ladies!

Even Mamaw and Papaw were able to join us.

Andy, Will and Brooke

Aiden's big brother gift


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