Month of Thanks: Day 8

Ever find yourself in the midst of a moment that only God could orchestrate? If you've been keeping up with my blog posts of late, you'll know that yesterday, I expressed quite a bit about my disenfranchisement with the church. Today, I read a tweet by my dear friend, Emily Fox, one of the people I was writing about in my post about gratitude for amazing Christian friends. Emily mentioned she was reading a new book that was shaking up her world, so I looked it up on Amazon and read the synopsis. Then I read the first pages. And I just had to smile. Emily is reading a book about a man who does church very differently. A man that, despite loving Christ, often finds himself feeling more comfortable in the presence of the unsaved, and longs to serve God, but knows he doesn't fit the traditional church model. A man who wants to shake up the church and do things differently. And I knew, without a doubt, that God was trying to get my attention.

So, I'm thankful today for a God that cares so much about His daughter, me, that He would orchestrate such a moment. Grateful for a loving God that doesn't give up, who reaches down into the mess of our world to let me know I'm not forgotten, and who throws me a lifeline when I need. Just overwhelmed by His love and so grateful for it.

Here's the book I'll be reading:


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